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The Earthside Base will be ground floor for our space elevator.

The location will need to be on or near the equator in order to use the earth’s rotation to follow the Space Station’s geosynchronous orbit around 50,000kms or more above us.

There is a chance such a base could be built on land but it’s important to remember, the Space Station above is not locked to a static location.

The most promising location for our Earth Base will actually be out in the ocean. This will give the Earth Base the option to shift position, to some degree, and there are any number of reasons to do that including bad weather or collision. Mobility could come in real handy.

It will take an enormous amount of material to create this floating platform but we have a pretty innovative solution for that issue. Ever since it was first created, plastic has been finding its way into our oceans from all around the world.

Over time this plastic has collected in five major zones across all our oceans. Most of it, however, has collected in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean in a huge plastic ‘slick’ referred to as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Click the link above to find out more on this.

Essentially the Pacific Patch alone is around the same size as Australia and contains what is estimated to be a mass of several hundred million tonnes.

What we are proposing is simple. We fit out ships specifically to net and collect this plastic. Once they bring it aboard, it gets placed in a furnace and melted down.

As it cools, bubbles of gas are blown into it to give it buoyancy. Then it is extruded and 3 meter square cubes. These cubes are then inserted into modular frames that form the foundations for our floating Earthside Base islands.

Simple, right?

There are certainly other ways to create an Earthside Base but with this method we’re finding a use for all the plastic crap that is currently choking the life out of our most important resource – the ocean.

Let’s not forget, more than 80% of the oxygen we breather comes from the ocean. Surely it would be a positive move to try and clean it up.

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