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The Globasyst Initiative relies on a fragile foundation of hope and trust. The primary consideration of every action we take will be the protection of this foundation.

At a time when government and corporate entities are being shown time and time again to be vulnerable to corruption, hope and trust are the two commodities which need to be handled and protected with our every thought, deed and action.

Before we can look at creating financial memberships we must first of all be able to provide our members with a clear mandate of what this project stands for in terms of our goals and obligations, rights and responsibilities. This is the point where the DNA for the Globasyst seed must be carefully crafted with a vision to the future and what it means to us all.

There will be many areas of the governance of our project which members will be able to vote on including our structure and the approach we take to solving the various challenges we will face along the way. Our Core Constitutional values, however, cannot be subject to change as they will serve as the rudder to guide us along our journey to the ultimate goal in creating humanities’ bridge to space.

Core Constitutional Directives

  1. The primary directive for Globasyst and its members is the creation and maintenance of an ecologically sustainable pathway for humanity between the Earth, Earth’s orbit and the universe beyond.

  2. Each member of Globasyst will be entitled to one vote when issues arise which require consensus in order to formulate the policies which will facilitate the fulfillment of the primary objective.

  3. Globasyst reserves the right to suspend or cancel the membership as well as any benefits or financial standing of any member who is judged to have acted in breach of the laws and by-laws as set down within the Globasyst charter or constitution.

  4. At no stage will Globasyst or its employees ever engage financing or loans of any kind from an external third party for any purpose in relation to achieving the primary objective. All operational expenses and purchasing of equipment or property will be financed from revenue raised via the membership process or other revenue streams generated in the course of Globasyst’s development.

Between now and the point in time when we create the legal Globasyst entity and begin to offer financial memberships these constitutional elements will be discussed and amended so please refer back here frequently. We would encourage you to leave comments and suggestions below. We will consider all serious submissions.

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