globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

You don’t need to go far to see evidence of the havoc man’s existence has wrought on the environment.

Humanity has been compared with the attributes of a virus in that we are causing the death of our host which will in turn spell our demise.

But at Globasyst, we disagree with this sentiment.

A virus does not have the ability to construct an entirely NEW host that is suited to its survival needs.

We do.

Once you’ve had a bit of a look around our site you will discover how we intend to achieve this.

globasyst globe assist

Initially the habitats we create beyond earth will be basic. One day however, as technologies advance and our understanding of the laws that bind the universe increase, habitats such as ringworlds become a possibility.

The scale and dimension of such worlds will only be limited by the material available to us.

By this stage we will be able to travel to the edges of our solar system and beyond .

Astronomers have already begun to identify the building blocks for such projects in the Outer Solar System or OORT Cloud.

A giant shell of icy bodies known as the Oort Cloud, named after astronomer Jan Oort,  is thought to encircle the solar system. There may be billions, even trillions of bodies in it, and some are so large they count as dwarf planets. When the cloud’s inhabitants interact with passing stars, molecular clouds, and gravity from the galaxy, they may find themselves spiraling inward toward the sun, or cast completely out of the solar system into distant regions of space. Although this shell was first proposed in 1950, its extreme distance makes it challenging for scientists to identify objects within it.

At Globasyst we intend to find out for certain. We only hope we can get the support we need to move this project along fast enough to be able to provide homes for what is left of our precious wildlife.

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