globasyst globe assist

Problem: Not enough food, water or houses.

Solution: Create more space to build.

globasyst globe assist

At present in Australia we are facing a major food production crisis.

Simply google ‘Australia Drought’ and you will find more stories relating to the crisis than you could imagine. but weather anomalies are not restricted to Australia.

All over the world there are stories of decimated insect populations, drought, flood, virus outbreaks and so much more. Almost all of these issues can be traced back to desperate farming methods pumping billions of liters of fertilizer and pesticides into already ravaged soils in an attempt to maximise productivity.

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Add to this the harmful effects of gene-tech and more and the outlook is pretty grim.

But there’s good news.

As soon as the first Space Elevator is up we will be able to begin targeting appropriate asteroids in order to shift them closer to Earth’s orbit for mining.

In the course of extracting the mineral wealth from these asteroids we will be laying the foundation for space habitats that orbit in a similar trajectory to earth. The environments inside can be custom built to house almost any climate and with the right chemicals, bacteria, minerals and bugs, we can begin growing food and livestock across acreage that has never existed before.

As more of these habitats are built we can begin to shift our activities off planet. This will give wild environments a chance to regenerate and rebuild.

Between now and the time we achieve this we expect to see several dozen species go extinct.

If we don’t act to end the suffering today, our children will grow up in a world where there is nothing but suffering.

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