globasyst globe assist

The fact we are trying to save all life on earth doesn’t mean we are going to be universally loved.

A long time ago a number of people in our world realised there is a lot of money to be made in the suffering of others.

This epiphany was reached shortly after the idea of ‘War’ was hatched. If you’re opportunistic, ignorant of the suffering of others and a bit of a sociopath, you soon realise that people will pay almost anything to survive.

We don’t want to dwell on this fact but it is important to be aware of it when you’re considering supporting our initiative.

At Globasyst we are fighting to create a future for all life, even the nasty bits we would prefer to leave behind us.

Globasyst is not about eradicating evil. Its about giving our society a chance to mature and evolve. It’s therefore important to know who is likely to be with us and who will be against us. There are some destabilising methods which may be employed which are shockingly overt. There are even more which are so insidious you might never be aware of their effect on you.

At Globasyst we know our commitment to transparency and honesty along our journey is our greatest weapon against those who choose to prolong the suffering of others.

Wow. This page was first written during a month of enormous upheaval across the globe. It’s almost impossible to decide where to begin. Worse still its overwhelmingly easy to predict how the amount of sections written under this category could become infinite.

With this in mind we will try to stick to the basic reality and the direct effects Globasyst will have on our socioeconomic landscape.

Strap yourself in. Its quite a ride.

globasyst globe assist

Who is and SHOULD be with us

This side of the equation is so easy to write there isn't a real reason to have it link off to another page. If you love life, if you have ever had any interaction with nature on any level that left you feeling good about the world, you SHOULD be on board with us.

The Globasyst initiative and what we will achieve will allow humanity, and indeed all life on earth, the opportunity to be around long enough to think of us fondly as legends.

Ah, what the hell. I like writing this stuff so there will be a link from here, and soon.

globasyst globe assist

Who wants to see us fail and WHY?

"You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” – Madeline L’Engle.

As explained above we are going to try to restrict ourselves to issues that the Globasyst will impact on directly. The Globasyst Initiative will have a massive and incredibly positive impact for the members of our global community who suffer the greatest disadvantage. For most of the mega wealthy, this represents a real and present threat. Click here to find out what, how and why they will react.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

We're not about religion but...

...Everybody, as is their right, has their own belief system.

At Globasyst we do not see that as an issue. We're standing and fighting for the life of everything on this planet. The simple equation - you need living people to have a religion of any kind. The planet dies and so does religion.

That said we still need to address the issue as we expect there will be those who believe the existence Globasyst may, in some way, be evil.

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