Mega Rich Squirm globasyst

To understand how Globasyst will impact our global economy we first of all need to look at what resources are currently available to us.

When we look at mining and current mining technology the percentage of the mass of our earth we can access today is pitifully tiny.

As shown in the first diagram even if we used every square inch of the planet’s surface (including the oceans) for mining, we could only access around 0.0006% of the earth’s mass.

The fact that mines only in fact occupy around 1% of the Earth’s surface means that all our mineral resources make up only 0.000006% of the Earth’s mass in total.

Keep this figure in mind as here is where it gets REAL interesting.

With CURRENT rocket propulsion technology, and starting from orbit with a full load of fuel on board, we can be anywhere in the solar system AND BACK in a little over a week. That’s the No1 reason for building the Globasyst Space Elevator.

We can reach the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in a couple of days.

The amount of material in the asteroid belt has been estimated at between 4% and 5% of the Earth’s mass. This doesn’t seem like much but all this material has been conveniently broken up into relatively small chunks. This means it is ALL accessible to us in terms of mining and resource collection.

So the second we can directly access the asteroid belt we instantly increase the resources available to humanity by more than 5,000%.

That’s right – WOW!

To put it in terms we can all relate to, the ‘Gold’ diagram shows how increasing the amount of gold we have access to drives its price down. As you can see, the effect is considerable.

Now look at this from the perspective of one of the richest people on the planet who has all their money tied up in mineral wealth.

If your assets are worth $50 billion today, once we can access the asteroid belt you will only be worth $7,500,000.

That is the sort of drop in value they will fight tooth and nail to avoid.

Given the amount of blood that has been shed over what amounts to a relatively tiny amount of oil, consider the level of aggression that is likely to be applied to stopping this project.

If you see stories being published about Globasyst that contain a negative or outright aggressively hostile opinion towards us, consider where that hostility is coming from before you believe them.

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