Apathy globasyst

Apathy – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

A friend of mine, someone I have known and respected for most of my life, read through this website just before it was released to the public and texted me to say they thought it was great work and they were happy I was trying to do something positive with my life.

When I checked I noticed they had not bothered to submit a GET ONBOARD TODAY form.

When I asked them why they replied, ‘I’ve got a lot going on at the moment and I just don’t want to get involved.’

This is apathy in its most insidious, evil and dangerous form.

After years of research and countless questions we have established that before now, there was nothing being done to solve the problems we are ALL facing.

At the risk of sounding harsh and potentially a bit judgemental, now that you have been exposed to the Globasyst concept, you can’t really say that ‘nothing is being done to solve the situation’ ever again.

Let’s be clear. It’s not a question of whether or not you want to get ‘involved’ with this. If you are living on this planet you’re already ‘involved’. Right now, however, you are like every single other one of us, a negative impacting factor.

The second you GET ONBOARD with us that changes. From the moment you show us your support you are contributing to a solution that will eventually, and completely, solve the pressures each of us places on our planet.

We do not seek to force people to join with us in saving the planet but waiting for someone else to take care of it is a bit like the guy in a flood sitting on the roof of his house waiting for God to save him. A 4-wheel drive, a team in a boat and a helicopter all show up to save him and he waves them off claiming that ‘His faith is so strong, God will save him.’

When he then drowns and goes to heaven he asks God why he didn’t save him and God replies, ‘Mate, I sent a 4-wheel drive, a rescue boat and a bloody helicopter to save you. What more were you expecting me to do?’

At Globasyst we also understand that there will be people who may hold, what they believe, is a justifiable objection to our existence. For these people, turning them from the ‘dark side’ will involve increasing pressure from their social network. Hopefully this will encourage them review the logic they employed when they decided NOT to support the efforts of the rest of us.

If, however, a person decides not to at least send us a GET ONBOARD wink, the next time they find themselves in a conversation about ‘How bad things are getting,’ they really have no right to complain.

The opportunity to secure a chance for a future for us all is right here. If a person chooses not to lend their support they are essentially saying, ‘I’m OK with the way things are and I really don’t care about what happens to the world in the future.’

So if you’re not a Globasyst Supporter and the person you are having a ‘How bad are things getting’ conversation with pulls out their Globasyst Member Credentials, don’t punch them. They have every right to be proud of their involvement.

They’re a planet saving Superhero and, like it or not, they deserve your respect.

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