One Vote globasyst globe assist

There are numerous forms of democracy currently in practice around the globe. With the level of blanket access to media the majority of western society has today, the election of our political leaders has become more a function of media support and popularity than that of competency in the role.

This is why the ‘Leader of the Free World’ is a failed game-show host and businessman who has filed for bankruptcy on at least 6 occasions costing the investors who trusted him billions of dollars and creating the basis of his personal fortune.

Given that one of the core constitutional principles of Globasyst is to never borrow money to generate capital this is unlikely to ever happen to us.

That said, at Globasyst we only want administrators who are capable of implementing the will of our members efficiently and effectively. We do not have money to waste on sloppy administration so the leaders we invest in need to be as directly accountable to each of us as possible.

The best way to do this is through cellular representation.

In short, we begin with a base group of 500 members. From that 500 member group they choose 1 individual to represent them. By keeping the group small it becomes far easier for you to have a personal relationship or contact with this representative. If they do not uphold the wishes and views of your group you simply find someone else within the group who WILL represent those views.


As more members come on board this group grows until it reaches 1,000 members in total. At this point the group splits into two new groups of 500 members. The split will be made based on a geographical location of those people in the group. This way the group you are a part off is local to you. The issues they are representing are also those which directly effect you and the people around you.

Each of those new groups now needs a new leader who is once again elected from within the group’s members. Those leaders in turn elect a representative who represents both groups to the next tier above.

Each of these tiers works around the same 500-1,000 member cellular principle and, when they reach the magical mark they too split to form new groups. In this way the degrees of contact separation between you and the top tier leaders are kept to an absolute minimum.

In fact even if the entire planet were members of Globasyst you would still only have 4 degrees of separation between you and the leaders at the very top.

With this method, accountability from those leaders becomes paramount. You only put your hand up for the leadership role if you are committed to getting the job done right by your constituents.

What this means for you – suddenly your opinion, your vote, and above all, your rights get respected and acted upon.

Your will is valuable not just you but to all of us.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


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