Recruit Lawyer

Legal - Constitution & Organisation

We are looking for a person or people who have experience in drafting constitutions and shaping the appropriate legal foundations in terms of organisational structures to allow them to operate in perpetuity.

As you will see in Organisational Structure section, our intention is to operate in a way unlike any other attempted previously. Its a big ask and it will take sharp minds to nail but this is our DNA. If we do not get it right, this venture will be a fail and our planet, frankly, just doesn’t have time for that.

We must move forward and the people who take on this task will create the foundation our pathway is laid on.

For the first time in history, lawyers will be offered capes, for their efforts can only be considered super heroic.

Legal - Media & PR

While we will deal with our battles as they arise but we need to be clear, our success relies almost entirely upon our ability to generate interest, support and, ultimately, more memberships. To do this we must be able to maintain a positive, proactive and peaceful public persona over a foundation of trust and transparency.

It would be nice to think we have somebody ensuring we do not fly off the handle and land ourselves in a negative publicity bungle inadvertently.

To do this we need a super-sharp legal mind with plenty of industry experience. They need the ability to not only keep us out of trouble, but to understand our goals and suggest better ways for us to achieve them.

As with our constitutional lawyers, however, it is important our media and PR team are not currently affiliated with commercial or government organisations but rather live by means independent of these institutions.

We believe these people exist and if they are repulsed and nauseated enough by our current sociopolitical landscape, they may even be living completely off grid. If this sounds like someone you know put us in touch with them. They’re exactly the sort of people we are looking for.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


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