Concept Creator

My name is M Andrew Taylor.

You will not have heard of me as I am nothing special.

The idea for Globasyst was born out of frustration at the fact that no person, no government or corporate entity has ever offered a tangible plan to put a stop to the 4 most critical issues in our planet’s history.

I have come to the realisation that if nobody else can find a solution, the only way for me to overcome my own frustration is to come up with one myself.

That is the basis of the Globasyst concept in a nutshell.

This is currently the world’s best solution purely by default. That’s because as far as I can tell, there has never been an alternative offered.

Please explore and read through the site in detail.

We are not proposing to be a corporation, government body or charity.

This is something entirely new.

I have spent almost everything I have getting the concept to this point. I need help to create the initial seed. Once that is done and the Globasyst Initiative exists as a legal entity my involvement takes a backseat.

I do not seek to OWN this concept. Nobody ever should.

It is designed to be ‘owned’ by the world and more importantly, the most socially challenged in the world.

As such who ‘I’ am is relatively insignificant. I will derive the same benefit from this as anyone else who gets involved, nothing more.

The most rewarding aspect of it for me personally – it gives me hope.

It is my expectation that as this idea generates exposure it is going to draw an increasing amount of criticism if not outright volatile opposition.

I ask you to forgive my paranoia. In an attempt to protect myself from the garden variety nutbags out there I am keeping my full identity relatively low key for now.

Once the Globasyst Legal Entity has been created and unleashed into the world, however, it will be an organism in its own right and I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to. At that point I will be more than happy to be far more open and public about who I am and what I have been through to arrive at this point.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

M Andrew Taylor

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