Apathy globasyst

Top marks for one of our Australian politicians bowling that one down the pitch.

Its a bit of a tough one to get to the bottom of but Peter Fitzsimmons from the SMH appears to be taking a crack at it.
Check his Twitter feed for a bit more on that: https://twitter.com/Peter_Fitz

At Globasyst we really don’t have the time or the energy to spare getting to the truth of these claims. In relation to what we are trying to achieve, the issue of what has got us to this point is clear enough for us.

The question we are trying desperately to answer is how do we get beyond this crisis to a point where this type of threat is no longer an issue.

We believe a great deal of the solution lies in the accountability of those in charge.

This is why we have set up our specific proposed structure. We want you to be able to have your voice heard and considered.

Take the time to read through our page regarding member Groups and their structure.

At Globasyst you will never be more than 3 degrees of separation from the people at the very top. If you want answers, or action, you will get it.

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