I thought it best I start this update with a jazzy new pic of where Globasyst is headed.

We have just entered into week two of our initiative and our week one results are a mixed bag to say the least.

No calls from David Attenborough just yet but we ARE hopeful. We need to get a bit more exposure (well a LOT really) and we need help to do that.

But lets not dwell on that. The reality is that several thousand people are now at least vaguely aware of our existence. The problem is that still the vast majority of those people do not have the will or desire to indicate they want an end to the various issues plaguing our planet.

Time, therefore, to look at the averages and apply some basic math.

As of today the following worldwide figures apply:

  • Average human lifespan worldwide 70 years approx.
  • Average yearly wage US$18,000

So given the assumption you start work at 15 years old:

  • Average lifetime earnings $990,000

This means anybody who claims to own a $1 billion essentially has accumulated to themselves the life and will of over 1,000 people.

If it seems obscene to you that one individual feels they are worth more than 1,000 times that of another, you need to seriously consider the Globasyst Initiative today.

Read through our site carefully. The only way you can be worth more than another person under our proposition is to GET ONBOARD with us early and stay the course until we have created a real future together, for everything.

Everyone has the same opportunity and when this all comes of age, there will be more than enough to go around.

The laws of the various governments and corporations around the world have created the platform to make this disgusting imbalance a part of our everyday lives.

We aim to reset that clock, not just for humanity, but for all life on earth. How much longer do you think we have before this imbalance tips us ALL over the edge?

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

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