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There is absolutely no question. Science Fiction writers have been the inspiration for almost all of the greatest advances in technology that we live with today.

These concepts go back thousands of years. The idea of programmable robots appeared first in classical texts describing Golems. The idea of chariots powered by fire to ride across the skies appears multiple times in the bible and is also inscribed on pyramids in South America.

Even the idea of a space bridge appears in the bible as the tower of Babel.

There are near countless texts describing humanity as a space faring race but they all have one thing in common. Not a single one of them I have ever investigated has ever described in detail the way in which humanity populates and expands into space without some sort of alien intervention.

Our ability to perceive the universe around us has become incredibly precise. We can now study the cosmos in an ever increasing variety of wavelengths down to the point where we can now even detect waves of gravity. We have begun to catalogue an ever increasing number of solar systems containing potentially earth-like planets and yet there is still no sign that anybody (or thing) out there knows humanity is here.

In the absence of this first contact, it falls to us to come up with a solution to the problem.

That is exactly what Globasyst is.

Humanities’ pathway into space.

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