So you’ve got a trillion dollars and a really (and I mean seriously) big shed.
What then?
The Space Elevator project has four main issues or components that need to be considered, engineered and produced.
We’re only going to run through the basics on this site. For extreme detail we will provide links off to organisations who are currently working on various ways to solve these issues.
We also encourage you to get out on your favorite search engine and look for anything we’ve missed. You might be the one who creates the Project’s EUREKA moment.
You need to have somewhere to get on the ride. We've got a plan that not only builds our space base but also cleans up a huge amount of plastic waste.
Easily the most expensive aspect of this operation will be the creation of the Geosynchronous Orbiting Space Station (GOSS). This is what we need to do to make it happen.
To create the elevator shaft or tether to our Space Station we first of all need to construct the strongest and most durable material know to man. But we may have what we need to do this already.
Getting the elevator built is one enourmous challenge but once its up there we don’t want it getting blown out of the sky.
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