Recruiting the Dream Team

Recruit Main

Our current priority goal is to get Globasyst to a position where we can begin to accept fully financial memberships.

In order to do this we need to construct the legal entity that can deliver our core constitution as well as a financial capture and management mechanism that can be trusted by our members on every level.

These are reasonably complex challenges and we are looking for the right people to help meet and solve them.

Right now every dollar and moment we have is being channeled to achieve this. To get us to the membership starting line we need professional help that we simply have no money to pay for.

We are, therefore, looking for people who share our goal. People who want to channel their energy into the most worthy cause imaginable.

We know these people are out there so it is just a matter of reaching them.

It may not be you but you might know of someone you believe might be able to help us. We’re asking you to reach out to them so we can discuss getting them on board.

Who are we looking for?

In the course of executing the Globasyst Initiative we will inevitably create millions of jobs.

The push to achieve our goal of constructing the first Space Elevator will require an incredible amount of financial discipline and restraint to maximise the value of every dollar raised.

As such, the people we are looking for are not the sort of people who demand maximum return for their every hour of employment. We’re after people who are prepared to give their time and energy to champion a project which is simply greater than any other attempted by humanity.

While the real reward will be knowing the importance of their contribution, the extra Stars they earn as part of the Star System will also serve to ensure they are rewarded for their input in a significantly material way also.

If you help us build it, you should have a chance to share in its success.


Phase 1 Recruitment

Before we can consider employment of anybody on any basis, however, we first of all need to create the Globasyst Legal Entity, Constitution and Financial membership management System.

To get this job done we are looking for professionals in the fields listed below who are no longer affiliated with corporations or government departments. The sort of people who have been exposed to questionable corporate moral behaviour and chosen to turn their back on it in disgust.

People who are now working in other fields but who still maintain the skills sets necessary to offer us current, pro-bono professional assistance.

Its a huge ask and while you personally may not be the exact candidate we are looking for perhaps you know someone who is.

In this case we ask you to kindly pass on our details to them.

Every little bit helps.

Legal - Constitution & Organisation

We are looking for a person or people who have experience in drafting constitutions and shaping the appropriate legal foundations in terms of organisational structures to allow them to operate in perpetuity.

As you will see in Organisational Structure section, our intention is to operate in a way unlike any other attempted previously. Its a big ask and it will take sharp minds to nail but this is our DNA. If we do not get it right, this venture will be a fail and our planet, frankly, just doesn’t have time for that.

We must move forward and the people who take on this task will create the foundation our pathway is laid on.

For the first time in history, lawyers will be offered capes, for their efforts can only be considered super heroic.

Legal - Media & PR

While we will deal with our battles as they arise but we need to be clear, our success relies almost entirely upon our ability to generate interest, support and, ultimately, more memberships. To do this we must be able to maintain a positive, proactive and peaceful public persona over a foundation of trust and transparency.

It would be nice to think we have somebody ensuring we do not fly off the handle and land ourselves in a negative publicity bungle inadvertently.

To do this we need a super-sharp legal mind with plenty of industry experience. They need the ability to not only keep us out of trouble, but to understand our goals and suggest better ways for us to achieve them.

As with our constitutional lawyers, however, it is important our media and PR team are not currently affiliated with commercial or government organisations but rather live by means independent of these institutions.

We believe these people exist and if they are repulsed and nauseated enough by our current sociopolitical landscape, they may even be living completely off grid. If this sounds like someone you know put us in touch with them. They’re exactly the sort of people we are looking for.

Cyber Security - Financial & Data

The protection of our members is paramount.

Our number one priority is to ensure that the trust we generate is maintained and honoured at every level. Personal details, accounts, memberships, the lot.

To do this we need a super secure cyber team. We may not be looking through traditional routes. There may be hacker types who want to throw their hat in the ring. Either way we are looking for layers of security at a global level. We need it up and running as soon as possible.

Its all about unshakeable trust.

Once we have the legal foundation and constitution in place we will want to be ready to go right behind it generating memberships in a safe, secure, digital environment.

Once again if you are super sharp in this area or you know someone who is, please put us in touch.

Social Media Wizard

If you’re sick to death of promoting vanity based, environmentally amoral organisations devoid of any social conscience, now’s thew time to make a change.

We need Social Media Guru’s desperately.

As with our other Phase One positions, we got no money so we need you to donate your time – for now.

If you’re as good as you think you are, generating the interest we need to make this all happen so we can get you on board with a salary position will be a walk in the park.

Send us links to a few of your campaigns.

This will be the biggest challenge you ever face in your life. The operator we’re looking for will know how build our profile from the ground up and cash in on it.

Please, contact us today. If you’re THAT good, you will already know how much we need your help.

Are you ready to help us?

Recruit Recruit

Recruitment Specialist

In order to find and screen the candidates for the other roles, we need to locate a Recruitment Specialist who is capable of deep investigation of the backgrounds of prospective candidates to establish and verify their bona fides.

This specialist needs to be a bit creative as the sort of people we are looking for will likely not conform to the norm.

We are seeing out to build an organisation of the kind that has never really been previously attempted so a clear understanding of what we are trying to achieve will be essential.

We understand how clear job specifications are invaluable. It is both a good practice and a legal necessity that applicants’ qualifications be judged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities and interests required to do the job.

Our specialist will need to be across this and be able to establish a clear two way dialogue to ensure we find who we really need.

Phase 2 Roles

Project Management

In simplest terms, we don’t have a project to manage until the Phase 1 objectives are covered off and we can begin generating financial memberships.

Once this aspect begins, however, the real fun begins.

How this aspect evolves we can only speculate at present but it entirely depends on our membership levels.

If you do, however, have expertise in this area and feel as though you could offer us insight even at this early stage, please get in touch with us.

We’re all learning here and in order to bridge the knowledge gap we need three things – data, data, data.

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Main Project Timeline

Timelines Gold globasyst

If you’re looking at this timeline and thinking it appears to be a bit basic – you’re right.

We’re working on a funky, creative, interactive puppy right now but until then at least you have the basics you need to know what is going on.


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What your membership means to us.

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globasyst globe assist

Globasyst is about harnessing the will of people at every level.

At the most basic level, however, is the relationship between the number of current, active members and the amount of staff we can afford to employ.

In the development phase it is all about increasing membership so we can begin to recruit the necessary planning and project management experts.

Once we have begun to fill these roles we will be able to workout far more detailed figures as to what it will take to reach each milestone.

For now we are working with the following base calculation:
1,000 members = $120,000pa
$120K = 2 x $50k salaries +
$20k operational expenses.

Of course this does not take into account people who are kind enough to donate their time and energy for free, but given that it took 400,000 staff to get 12 guys on the moon, developing our membership base is a massive priority.

To help you work out what that means in terms of membership, to maintain 400k staff will need 200,000,000 members.

This is why so much of our initial energy will be devoted to PR and promotion. You can help us a LOT in this phase simply by sharing as much as you possibly can about us with as many people as you can.

Every share is another rock moved to help shift the mountain.

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Collision Protection

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globasyst globe assist

Getting the elevator built is one enourmous challenge but once its up there we don’t want it getting blown out of the sky.

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There are currently thousands of pieces of debris orbiting the earth from the fingernail sized chips of paint which cracked the shatter-proof glass of the space shuttle to objects weighing tens if not hundreds of kilos.

These objects are orbiting the earth at speeds in excess of 28,000kmh. A 50calibre bullet has an initial velocity of just over 3,000kmh.

This means that relative to the space bridge, any object in low earth orbit will impact with nearly ten times the force of a 50 cal bullet. The effects of such an impact on the space bridge’s tether, or indeed the orbital platform itself would be devastating.

To address this issue the project will need to build a substantial protection network as well as looking at a way to clean up our near earth orbital zone and minimise this threat.

There are currently a number of proposals in the scientific community which address this issue and we will put together a team whose goal is to design the appropriate measures.

For more information on the ‘Cascade Effect’ or Kessler Syndrome creating problems in our near earth orbital zone visit the links below.

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The Elevator Shaft

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To create the elevator shaft or tether to our Space Station, we first of all need to construct the strongest and most durable material know to man.

In short we are talking about a material strong enough to carry up to than 50,000 times its own weight. This material also needs a substantial degree of flexibility as well as a range of other factors.

While this all may sound like fantasy at the moment scientist have in fact developed a potential solution to this problem. Click the button to find out more.

The little blue stick has to be strong enough to carry the enourmous green ball.

It's a challenge...

Once we do have the material strength problem solved, however, we then have the issues facing engineering, design and functionality. I know I have my preferences as to how this may be tackled but, needless to say, this is one of the major areas of the project where an expert team is crucial.

Once again it all relies on funding but then that’s exactly what we are here for.

At present the most promising option as the linked article explains, is Graphene.

Graphene is a fantastic 2D material. It is 200 times stronger than steel, transparent, flexible and conducts electricity better than copper. However, graphene can only be made commercially in little bits with the current technology.

Take for example, the ‘200 times stronger than steel’ property. You can’t make full use of that at the moment because the current commercial state is to produce graphene from graphite using the top-down method. This makes graphene as nano plates that are typically 400 nanometers long. To give an idea of how small this, look at the edge of a piece of copier paper, which is 100 microns (100,000 nanometers) thick. You could fit 250 of these graphene nanoplates across the edge of that piece of paper.

That’s all great but then you have to stick these plates together and we start getting into some real high tech areas of development.

Read through the attached article and do a bit of a search yourself.

Once we can afford to do the research, its a small jump to our next EUREKA moment.

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The Orbital Space Station

Easily the most expensive aspect of this operation will be the creation of the Geosynchronous Orbiting Space Station (GOSS).

This is the top floor of the elevator and will effectively be the weightless mooring from which the construction of the entire network will begin. It would be almost impossible to build the elevator’s tether from the ground up. The only practical way to construct it is to build it in orbit and feed it back down toward the Earth’s surface.

There are two ways to build the GOSS.

globasyst globe assist

The first is relatively simple. We just ship everything necessary up on the back of rockets. Easy as this sounds we’re talking potentially thousands of tons of mass in order to achieve this and the base ratio for fuel to mass in order to achieve orbit is 10:1.

That means for every ton of equipment & people to be lifted we need to burn 10 tonnes of fossil fuels.

This might be technically doable but the environmental cost will need to be considered very carefully and it’s highly likely that it will not be worth the risk.

The second option is to identify a suitable candidate in the asteroid belt and attach a propulsion unit to it. We can then nudge the asteroid back towards our planet and park it the necessary orbit above our Earth Base.

This is technically a more difficult proposition but the bulk of the operation would be done remotely using robotics and the payoff would be potentially enormous.

The asteroid we use would be selected based on the materials it contains and how useful they would be in constructing the space station and tether. By doing this we would shortcut our way to having the ingredients necessary right where we need them – already in orbit.

This whole aspect of the project is for the big brains and we need to get them on board first.

That takes exposure and interest so share us with gusto. We love your support.

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Earthside Base

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globasyst globe assist

The Earthside Base will be ground floor for our space elevator.

The location will need to be on or near the equator in order to use the earth’s rotation to follow the Space Station’s geosynchronous orbit around 50,000kms or more above us.

There is a chance such a base could be built on land but it’s important to remember, the Space Station above is not locked to a static location.

The most promising location for our Earth Base will actually be out in the ocean. This will give the Earth Base the option to shift position, to some degree, and there are any number of reasons to do that including bad weather or collision. Mobility could come in real handy.

It will take an enormous amount of material to create this floating platform but we have a pretty innovative solution for that issue. Ever since it was first created, plastic has been finding its way into our oceans from all around the world.

Over time this plastic has collected in five major zones across all our oceans. Most of it, however, has collected in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean in a huge plastic ‘slick’ referred to as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Click the link above to find out more on this.

Essentially the Pacific Patch alone is around the same size as Australia and contains what is estimated to be a mass of several hundred million tonnes.

What we are proposing is simple. We fit out ships specifically to net and collect this plastic. Once they bring it aboard, it gets placed in a furnace and melted down.

As it cools, bubbles of gas are blown into it to give it buoyancy. Then it is extruded and 3 meter square cubes. These cubes are then inserted into modular frames that form the foundations for our floating Earthside Base islands.

Simple, right?

There are certainly other ways to create an Earthside Base but with this method we’re finding a use for all the plastic crap that is currently choking the life out of our most important resource – the ocean.

Let’s not forget, more than 80% of the oxygen we breather comes from the ocean. Surely it would be a positive move to try and clean it up.

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Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.