Your Vote is Truly Powerful

One Vote globasyst globe assist

There are numerous forms of democracy currently in practice around the globe. With the level of blanket access to media the majority of western society has today, the election of our political leaders has become more a function of media support and popularity than that of competency in the role.

This is why the ‘Leader of the Free World’ is a failed game-show host and businessman who has filed for bankruptcy on at least 6 occasions costing the investors who trusted him billions of dollars and creating the basis of his personal fortune.

Given that one of the core constitutional principles of Globasyst is to never borrow money to generate capital this is unlikely to ever happen to us.

That said, at Globasyst we only want administrators who are capable of implementing the will of our members efficiently and effectively. We do not have money to waste on sloppy administration so the leaders we invest in need to be as directly accountable to each of us as possible.

The best way to do this is through cellular representation.

In short, we begin with a base group of 500 members. From that 500 member group they choose 1 individual to represent them. By keeping the group small it becomes far easier for you to have a personal relationship or contact with this representative. If they do not uphold the wishes and views of your group you simply find someone else within the group who WILL represent those views.


As more members come on board this group grows until it reaches 1,000 members in total. At this point the group splits into two new groups of 500 members. The split will be made based on a geographical location of those people in the group. This way the group you are a part off is local to you. The issues they are representing are also those which directly effect you and the people around you.

Each of those new groups now needs a new leader who is once again elected from within the group’s members. Those leaders in turn elect a representative who represents both groups to the next tier above.

Each of these tiers works around the same 500-1,000 member cellular principle and, when they reach the magical mark they too split to form new groups. In this way the degrees of contact separation between you and the top tier leaders are kept to an absolute minimum.

In fact even if the entire planet were members of Globasyst you would still only have 4 degrees of separation between you and the leaders at the very top.

With this method, accountability from those leaders becomes paramount. You only put your hand up for the leadership role if you are committed to getting the job done right by your constituents.

What this means for you – suddenly your opinion, your vote, and above all, your rights get respected and acted upon.

Your will is valuable not just you but to all of us.

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Apathy – The Planet Killer

Apathy globasyst

Apathy – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

A friend of mine, someone I have known and respected for most of my life, read through this website just before it was released to the public and texted me to say they thought it was great work and they were happy I was trying to do something positive with my life.

When I checked I noticed they had not bothered to submit a GET ONBOARD TODAY form.

When I asked them why they replied, ‘I’ve got a lot going on at the moment and I just don’t want to get involved.’

This is apathy in its most insidious, evil and dangerous form.

After years of research and countless questions we have established that before now, there was nothing being done to solve the problems we are ALL facing.

At the risk of sounding harsh and potentially a bit judgemental, now that you have been exposed to the Globasyst concept, you can’t really say that ‘nothing is being done to solve the situation’ ever again.

Let’s be clear. It’s not a question of whether or not you want to get ‘involved’ with this. If you are living on this planet you’re already ‘involved’. Right now, however, you are like every single other one of us, a negative impacting factor.

The second you GET ONBOARD with us that changes. From the moment you show us your support you are contributing to a solution that will eventually, and completely, solve the pressures each of us places on our planet.

We do not seek to force people to join with us in saving the planet but waiting for someone else to take care of it is a bit like the guy in a flood sitting on the roof of his house waiting for God to save him. A 4-wheel drive, a team in a boat and a helicopter all show up to save him and he waves them off claiming that ‘His faith is so strong, God will save him.’

When he then drowns and goes to heaven he asks God why he didn’t save him and God replies, ‘Mate, I sent a 4-wheel drive, a rescue boat and a bloody helicopter to save you. What more were you expecting me to do?’

At Globasyst we also understand that there will be people who may hold, what they believe, is a justifiable objection to our existence. For these people, turning them from the ‘dark side’ will involve increasing pressure from their social network. Hopefully this will encourage them review the logic they employed when they decided NOT to support the efforts of the rest of us.

If, however, a person decides not to at least send us a GET ONBOARD wink, the next time they find themselves in a conversation about ‘How bad things are getting,’ they really have no right to complain.

The opportunity to secure a chance for a future for us all is right here. If a person chooses not to lend their support they are essentially saying, ‘I’m OK with the way things are and I really don’t care about what happens to the world in the future.’

So if you’re not a Globasyst Supporter and the person you are having a ‘How bad are things getting’ conversation with pulls out their Globasyst Member Credentials, don’t punch them. They have every right to be proud of their involvement.

They’re a planet saving Superhero and, like it or not, they deserve your respect.

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Who Owns the Earth

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If you ever wondered why its so difficult to get ahead in this world without being involved in criminal activities here’s the main reason.

0.5% of the population own pretty much everything.

The true value of a dollar is in its basic ability to manifest our will.

$20 can get someone to make you a nice lunch or it might put some petrol in your car so you can visit friends. It may not go far these days but if you have a ‘will’ to do or experience something, you need the cash to make it happen.

When we are talking billions or trillions of dollars, our ability to shape the world around us increases exponentially.

People with this sort of money don’t generally have to pay tax for instance. They have the power to put presidents in power and topple economies.

They are our kings whether we want to believe it or not.

The problem at the core of this, however, is the addictive nature of such power. Nobody is willing to give it up easily and the ultimate goal of Globasyst will devalue the resources owned by these magnates to a point where they almost become regular citizens.

If you think they will not do everything in their power to stop this you really should seek the services of a mental health professional.

The diagram below illustrates the shift in power once access to the asteroid belt opens up thanks to the Space Elevator.

Of course the Space Elevator will not be constructed overnight. There will be time for these people to analyse market forces and shift their investment focus to protect against the downturn in resource prices. Unfortunately this will take work and if there is one thing the mega wealthy are allergic to – it’s work.

We can also expect attempts by countries and corporations to establish mining rights and restrictioons whereby they seek to ‘OWN’ parts or all of our solar system. How Globasyst deals with these issues as they arise is a function of each member’s right to vote.

At Globasyst we are returning the power to decide our future back to the population. If we learn from the mistakes we have made in the past, particularly in terms of the management of our democracy, we can ensure that the people who are key to shaping our future are more qualified than failed game-show hosts and bankrupted businessmen.

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Making the Mega Rich Squirm

Mega Rich Squirm globasyst

To understand how Globasyst will impact our global economy we first of all need to look at what resources are currently available to us.

When we look at mining and current mining technology the percentage of the mass of our earth we can access today is pitifully tiny.

As shown in the first diagram even if we used every square inch of the planet’s surface (including the oceans) for mining, we could only access around 0.0006% of the earth’s mass.

The fact that mines only in fact occupy around 1% of the Earth’s surface means that all our mineral resources make up only 0.000006% of the Earth’s mass in total.

Keep this figure in mind as here is where it gets REAL interesting.

With CURRENT rocket propulsion technology, and starting from orbit with a full load of fuel on board, we can be anywhere in the solar system AND BACK in a little over a week. That’s the No1 reason for building the Globasyst Space Elevator.

We can reach the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in a couple of days.

The amount of material in the asteroid belt has been estimated at between 4% and 5% of the Earth’s mass. This doesn’t seem like much but all this material has been conveniently broken up into relatively small chunks. This means it is ALL accessible to us in terms of mining and resource collection.

So the second we can directly access the asteroid belt we instantly increase the resources available to humanity by more than 5,000%.

That’s right – WOW!

To put it in terms we can all relate to, the ‘Gold’ diagram shows how increasing the amount of gold we have access to drives its price down. As you can see, the effect is considerable.

Now look at this from the perspective of one of the richest people on the planet who has all their money tied up in mineral wealth.

If your assets are worth $50 billion today, once we can access the asteroid belt you will only be worth $7,500,000.

That is the sort of drop in value they will fight tooth and nail to avoid.

Given the amount of blood that has been shed over what amounts to a relatively tiny amount of oil, consider the level of aggression that is likely to be applied to stopping this project.

If you see stories being published about Globasyst that contain a negative or outright aggressively hostile opinion towards us, consider where that hostility is coming from before you believe them.

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The Dark Soul of Humanity

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Damn. I haven’t even started writing this section and I hate it already. Problem is, choosing NOT to write it is the very definition of ignorance.

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It is a basic instinct of all creatures to seek safety and security. The motivation of all creatures can be broken down, eventually, to three key objectives:

  1. The need for food and water.
  2. A safe place to rest and sleep.
  3. The desire to pass on our genes (or at least practice doing so).

The methods and the lives we lead trying to achieve these objectives, however, are as varied as the individual photons in a rainbow. In other words, infinite.

It is impossible for any human being to exist without some form of negative impact on our environment. This is a crucial point to make because at Globasyst we do not seek to alienate anybody. We accept the fact that some do more to help the planet than harm it and others do not. Where any individual sits on this scale is up to the individual to determine, not us.

If you read a section under this category and see parallels with your own life we are not judging you. You have simply been made aware of your impact.

What you subsequently choose to do is up to you. We do not expect you to quit your job or take on a battle with the multi-national who employs you.

Globasyst exists to create a pathway beyond those constraints and its up to you to choose whether to help us create it or not.

The links below simply detail what we expect in terms of the impact of the Globasyst Initiative on the world around us and how that world will react. Be aware of them and make your own judgements as to whether the attacks launched against Globasyst are actually justified.

Why the Mega-Rich hate us

The moment humanity has an ecologically sustainable way to access space, the global economy will experience unprecedented turmoil. Here's why.

The Balance of Power

Realisation of Globasyst's goals will inevitably lead to a massive shift in our economic landscape. We just need to be sure we do not elect a failed, bankrupted, gameshow host to shape our future.

Apathy - the Planet Killer

You lose the right to complain about how bad the world is getting if there is an opportunity to fix the problem and you refuse to take it.

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Our Allies & Enemies

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The fact we are trying to save all life on earth doesn’t mean we are going to be universally loved.

A long time ago a number of people in our world realised there is a lot of money to be made in the suffering of others.

This epiphany was reached shortly after the idea of ‘War’ was hatched. If you’re opportunistic, ignorant of the suffering of others and a bit of a sociopath, you soon realise that people will pay almost anything to survive.

We don’t want to dwell on this fact but it is important to be aware of it when you’re considering supporting our initiative.

At Globasyst we are fighting to create a future for all life, even the nasty bits we would prefer to leave behind us.

Globasyst is not about eradicating evil. Its about giving our society a chance to mature and evolve. It’s therefore important to know who is likely to be with us and who will be against us. There are some destabilising methods which may be employed which are shockingly overt. There are even more which are so insidious you might never be aware of their effect on you.

At Globasyst we know our commitment to transparency and honesty along our journey is our greatest weapon against those who choose to prolong the suffering of others.

Wow. This page was first written during a month of enormous upheaval across the globe. It’s almost impossible to decide where to begin. Worse still its overwhelmingly easy to predict how the amount of sections written under this category could become infinite.

With this in mind we will try to stick to the basic reality and the direct effects Globasyst will have on our socioeconomic landscape.

Strap yourself in. Its quite a ride.

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Who is and SHOULD be with us

This side of the equation is so easy to write there isn't a real reason to have it link off to another page. If you love life, if you have ever had any interaction with nature on any level that left you feeling good about the world, you SHOULD be on board with us.

The Globasyst initiative and what we will achieve will allow humanity, and indeed all life on earth, the opportunity to be around long enough to think of us fondly as legends.

Ah, what the hell. I like writing this stuff so there will be a link from here, and soon.

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Who wants to see us fail and WHY?

"You have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” – Madeline L’Engle.

As explained above we are going to try to restrict ourselves to issues that the Globasyst will impact on directly. The Globasyst Initiative will have a massive and incredibly positive impact for the members of our global community who suffer the greatest disadvantage. For most of the mega wealthy, this represents a real and present threat. Click here to find out what, how and why they will react.

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We're not about religion but...

...Everybody, as is their right, has their own belief system.

At Globasyst we do not see that as an issue. We're standing and fighting for the life of everything on this planet. The simple equation - you need living people to have a religion of any kind. The planet dies and so does religion.

That said we still need to address the issue as we expect there will be those who believe the existence Globasyst may, in some way, be evil.

Eco-Friendly Mining

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Globasyst: Good for miners. Bad news for mine owners.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to watch the news without having to hear about another mining disaster?

That day is coming. Soon, we hope, because we’re running out of ecosystems to pollute.

One of the most misleading phrases in the English language is the term ‘Safe Mining Practices’.

There is simply no such thing.

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One of the biggest issues in Australia currently is the creation of the Adani Mining Project. In early 2019 this story hit the news:

February 12, 2019

The Australian Marine Conservation Society has slammed Adani today for their second licence breach in two years, in which coal-contaminated water overflowed from their Port at Abbot Point into the Nationally Significant Caley Valley Wetlands during last week’s heavy rainfall.

That’s right. While they were still in court being prosecuted over the release of coal contaminated water into the waters surrounding the Great Barrier Reef, they did it AGAIN.

One of the busiest departments in any mining company is their PR and Marketing Department. Their job is to make it seem like Mining Giants are just big, fluffy teddy bears who are there to create a wonderful comfortable future for us all. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In the case of the Adani mine in north eastern Australia, the debate has been mine Vs Great Barrier Reef.

The Great Barrier Reef is responsible for the creation of arguably the most beautiful and vast system of beaches on our planet. It is the basis of around $20 billion in annual revenue for Queensland and the Adani mine is in the process of killing it.

By comparison, the Adani mine has created a couple of thousand temporary jobs and the mine itself has been criticised as ‘Not Economically Viable’ so why is it still going ahead? You need to dig a bit but you will find a handful of people making a hell of a lot of money building infrastructure projects and other related business to support it. The answer therefore is GREED.

But this is just one of countless stories from around the globe. Do a search on ‘Environmental Mining Disasters’ and you will have reading matter for the next year or so.

But Globasyst is not against mining – OR MINERS.

We just want to get it done somewhere it doesn’t impact our ecosphere. We want to do it out in space and its not that difficult.

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In the course of identifying appropriate asteroids for habitat creation and food production, we will also be looking for mineral resources. While earth is huge in terms of mass, we are only technologically capable of accessing 0.0006% of it, and that’s if we somehow get rid of all the oceans and make every square inch of the planet a mine.

What we actually have access to is more like 0.000006%.

The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter contains material which is estimated to be around 4-5% of the Earth’s total mass. It doesn’t sound like much but the key here is the fact that it has been broken into manageable chunks by the formation of our solar system. We can access, and potentially mine, ALL of it. That means that in this tiny area alone we have more than 5,000 times more minerals than on all of the earth.

That’s why we LOVE miners. We are going to need a lot of them to convert all this wealth. If you want to talk about creating mining jobs, this is where it starts – Globasyst.

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Clean Limitless Energy

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globasyst globe assist

This is a real easy one.

Only the world’s most monumental corporate stooge would try to deny that carbon emissions and fossil fuels are causing horrendous damage to the atmosphere.

Our most promising future lies in the use of helium and hydrogen to power all manner of engines including the holy grail – cold fusion.

Unfortunately helium is one of the rarest gases on earth and ‘pound for pound’ is worth a lot more than gold.


That’s not a problem for us here at Globasyst though.

Enter the biggest planet in our solar system – Jupiter.

800 times the mass of earth it is predominantly hydrogen and helium mixed with an array of other gases. Once we get the Space elevator up shuttling to and from Jupiter will not be a major problem.

All we then have to do is park another orbital or two over this monster and drop down a few hoses. We then start sucking and sit back. Energy crisis solved.

What could be simpler?

So stop complaining about the price of petrol and get on board the Globasyst Free Energy train. Big oil companies are really going to hate this. Don’t you just feel awful about that?

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Environmental Destruction

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globasyst globe assist

You don’t need to go far to see evidence of the havoc man’s existence has wrought on the environment.

Humanity has been compared with the attributes of a virus in that we are causing the death of our host which will in turn spell our demise.

But at Globasyst, we disagree with this sentiment.

A virus does not have the ability to construct an entirely NEW host that is suited to its survival needs.

We do.

Once you’ve had a bit of a look around our site you will discover how we intend to achieve this.

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Initially the habitats we create beyond earth will be basic. One day however, as technologies advance and our understanding of the laws that bind the universe increase, habitats such as ringworlds become a possibility.

The scale and dimension of such worlds will only be limited by the material available to us.

By this stage we will be able to travel to the edges of our solar system and beyond .

Astronomers have already begun to identify the building blocks for such projects in the Outer Solar System or OORT Cloud.

A giant shell of icy bodies known as the Oort Cloud, named after astronomer Jan Oort,  is thought to encircle the solar system. There may be billions, even trillions of bodies in it, and some are so large they count as dwarf planets. When the cloud’s inhabitants interact with passing stars, molecular clouds, and gravity from the galaxy, they may find themselves spiraling inward toward the sun, or cast completely out of the solar system into distant regions of space. Although this shell was first proposed in 1950, its extreme distance makes it challenging for scientists to identify objects within it.

At Globasyst we intend to find out for certain. We only hope we can get the support we need to move this project along fast enough to be able to provide homes for what is left of our precious wildlife.

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Habitats of Life and Style

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globasyst globe assist

Problem: Not enough food, water or houses.

Solution: Create more space to build.

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At present in Australia we are facing a major food production crisis.

Simply google ‘Australia Drought’ and you will find more stories relating to the crisis than you could imagine. but weather anomalies are not restricted to Australia.

All over the world there are stories of decimated insect populations, drought, flood, virus outbreaks and so much more. Almost all of these issues can be traced back to desperate farming methods pumping billions of liters of fertilizer and pesticides into already ravaged soils in an attempt to maximise productivity.

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Add to this the harmful effects of gene-tech and more and the outlook is pretty grim.

But there’s good news.

As soon as the first Space Elevator is up we will be able to begin targeting appropriate asteroids in order to shift them closer to Earth’s orbit for mining.

In the course of extracting the mineral wealth from these asteroids we will be laying the foundation for space habitats that orbit in a similar trajectory to earth. The environments inside can be custom built to house almost any climate and with the right chemicals, bacteria, minerals and bugs, we can begin growing food and livestock across acreage that has never existed before.

As more of these habitats are built we can begin to shift our activities off planet. This will give wild environments a chance to regenerate and rebuild.

Between now and the time we achieve this we expect to see several dozen species go extinct.

If we don’t act to end the suffering today, our children will grow up in a world where there is nothing but suffering.

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