Membership Invest globasyst globe assist

In simplest terms the Globasyst Initiative is designed to generate funding for the most promising way to access the solar system beyond the Earth’s gravity well.

The impact of the will of any individual can be measured, most readily, by the amount of money they have control over. Politicians implement their will via the levying of taxes. Corporations by maximising their productivity at the expense of their resources both human and otherwise.

Globasyst seeks to harness this will via its membership. Each membership costs the same for each individual regardless of their social status and each individual can only have one membership.

It is within this basic philosophy that all humanity, and indeed life on earth, has a basis for a future.

We want people to get involved early and stay involved for as long as it takes. It is with this goal in mind that we have created the system detailed below.


globasyst globe assist

What your membership achieves.

Our equation is simple. The more members we have, the more resources we can employ. The more people and materials we have the faster this gets completed.

The STAR System

At the end of each year your membership remains current the amount of stars you have will be doubled. The longer you support Globasyst the greater your share of humanities’ future.

Help us and get even MORE.

For example, if you started with us today and continued to work with us for the next 20 years we would really appreciate it.
How much?
You would have 2,621,440 stars in your account.

1 Member = 1 Vote

It may seem like a fairly straight forward concept but it is an important one.
No individual will be able to ‘purchase’ more power and influence than another member.

The Price of Membership

HOPE. Real HOPE for a future where our planet can recover costs less than 35 cents a day. That’s right. You can be a planet saving superhero. You will never be offered a better deal than that.

Free membership with Utilities

We aim to negotiate deals where we buy utilities such as electricity, gas and telecoms in bulk from current suppliers and sell them on to the community with Globasyst Memberships factored in as part of the costs.

Charity Funded Memberships

If government and corporate donations are made to Globasyst we will use them to generate Charitable Memberships for those people who are unable to access the initiative.

We’d be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.