The basic corporate model relies entirely on risk and return.

No corporate entity on earth has the financial resource to back a project like the Space Elevator. Investors, especially given the recent drops in global share markets, are only interested in immediate returns.

The Globasyst Initiative is at the very least a trillion dollar project and that is just to get the first elevator in play. Even if we had a blank cheque today and unlimited access to resources, the best estimate is a five year turn around to achieve that milestone.

Of course once the first elevator is up the subsequent elevators will take less and less time and expense to build. Once several are in play decisions will need to be made as to how to deploy them but turning a profit is by no means our primary goal.

First and foremost we are trying to create a platform to relieve the stress humanity is placing on the planet. This does not fall into line with ‘good investment strategy’.

Globasyst is an investment in life and the future of us all and as such simply cannot be quantified in the same way you would value a corporation.

Yet while these are strong arguments against a corporate structure the one and only argument takes precedence over alll others.

Corporations can be owned by individuals.

For Globasyst to be a success its primary focus must be on the preservation of life and an opportunity for a future for us all. The only way this can happen is by ensuring everybody on the planet has the same opportunity to share in such a future.

The Globasyst Initiative is an expression of our will to live in peace and security while harnessing the resources of space for the benefit of us all.

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