So what would you like to know?

The Globasyst Initiative is about people. Most importantly it is about YOU.

If we dare to claim that our primary purpose is to give people HOPE, the only way we can do that is by being as close to 100% transparent as we possibly can be.

This is, without a doubt, a double edged sword. We will think, and plan and work hard not to, but it is inevitable, we will make mistakes.

It is our intention, however, to own them. We will learn from them, solve the issues that stand in our way and we will move past them.

Please remember, we are fighting for the lives of EVERYTHING.

We recognise this and we hope you do to.

With that in mind, along with the understanding that none of us involved in Globasyst are trained media experts (yet), please have a read and explore. If there is something else you want to know about, us send us a request.

Better still sign up for a Pre-Membership and we’ll do our best to keep you up to date on everything you want to know.

The global issues we WILL solve.

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Food/Water/Housing Crisis

Starvation and thirst may soon be a thing of the past. As we build more habitats in space we relieve the pressure on our most precious spaceship of all - Earth.

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Environmental Destruction

People have compared humanity to a virus, eating away its host and ensuring mutual destruction. At Globasyst we disagree. A virus does not know how to save its environment. We do.

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Toxic Energy Production

Clean, almost limitless energy is so close its almost unbelievable. At present we scrape around paying huge amounts for planet destroying fossil fuels when the answer is just a couple of planets away.

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Noxious Mining Practices

We're not against miners or mining at Globasyst. We've not only come up with a way to access more than 5,000 times more resources than we can on earth, we can do it without harming the environment.

The Pathway to Plenty

As close to a day by day account of everything that is and has happened to Globasyst since our launch. You can be part of the greatest story in the history of our planet.


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Allies and Enemies. Not everyone wants us to succeed.

The fact we are trying to save all life on earth doesn’t mean we are going to be universally loved. The reality is that the success of this project will cause economic upheaval on an unprecedented scale. In a good way for people who support us. In a seriously bad way for the mega-wealthy. The thing about the mega-wealthy, they have the funds, resources motivation to try and kill us off. Find out who and how, and what and why here.

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We're NOT a Government Organization

Globasyst will never survive if it is reliant on Government funding. They are plagued by too many hurdles and conflicting ideologies. In order to get the job done as fast as possible we must always retain our purity of purpose.

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We're NOT a Charity

The expense of your membership is an investment in the future of our planet and our species. Eventually the transport hub we create to outer space will become a valuable commodity. Your membership will ensure you own a part of that future.

We're NOT a Corporation

First and foremost we are trying to create a platform to relieve the stress humanity is placing on the planet. In corporate terms, this does not fall into line with ‘good investment strategy’.

About the Concept Creator

I'm nobody special. I'm just a janitor but this idea is big. Far bigger than me. I could never hope to own it and it would kill the concept to try. That said, here is all you really need to know about me.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.