Recruit Recruit

Creating the Dream Team

If you have ever sat and watched a movie or TV show, or read a book and thought ‘Yeah, I could do that. I could be a hero and fight for something that was real and positive in the world’, this is that moment.

This is this point where you step off the Apathy Express and find your path to greatness.

If you have any doubts, contact us first but always bear in mind, the longer you wait the worse things will get.

No pressure.

If you have read through our Recruitment page you will know we are currently looking for people with specific talents. We need help to set up Globasyst as a legal entity and begin the work of building our membership so we can start to put together the project. If you or somebody you know can assist us in finding the people we need to achieve this, please fill this form out and send it today.
Please be sure to read throug our website in detail before submitting this. We want you to be clear what we are trying to achieve. Before you submit this form, please include any URL's or other relevant information that might assist us.