Day 1-3 The Very Beginning

Pathway Day1-3

Globasyst Goes Live...

After 2 years of consideration, research, frustration and mounting impatience we were no closer to achieving a single thing than when this idea was originally thought of.

The idea itself came from a simple place – What if we could buy utilities in bulk, get a discount and pass those savings on to people and use the revenue to finance a Global Solution to our problems.

Simple to suggest but, as an individual with almost no access to resources, an almost impossible dream.

The rest of the information on this site is the culmination of many months of ideas formulated, rejected, adjusted and born.

On Wednesday 6th November, 2019, Globasyst went live.

The website itself is not finished.

If things go the way we hope, it never will be, but we cannot wait any longer to act.

In the months and weeks leading up to this launch the stories of Global collapse have become almost non stop.

We have come under direct threat of bushfires here at Globasyst and have been forced to evacuate. Since that time there have been two more major fires in our area and dozens across Australia and around the world.

So before we have even managed to become a legal entity we have put the call out to the world for help in realising this future.

A peaceful; pathway to an abundant future not just for humanity but for all life on earth.

And do you know what, it feels pretty good to get this out there.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.