Day ?? I’ve lost track.

So its been a long, long while since I posted anything new.
A lot has changed and the idea of the elevator is building momentum. I’ve lost track of what day it is and I have a LOT of catching up to do.
In the meantime, here’s a seriously interesting link that is worth a read:

Day 5 – Gettin’ Global

The foray into social media continues.

Turns out we can only report on what happened yesterday which is a shame. Good news is that prior to yesterday we were only getting hits from Australia and the USA.

Now we’re attracting hits from 7 countries. Excellent stuff.

Only 188 MORE countries to go – hah.

As inspiration for what we are trying to achieve, each day we leave the ABC News on in the background. For the last week or so it has been nothing but bushfires.

Zero practical response from our venerable Prime Minister however. Best he can do, apparently is promise to allocate more funds to fighting the fires.

Here’s a thought – how about proposing a solution that makes the damage those fires cause significantly less intense?

I guess that’s why the world needs Globasyst. Nobody else seems prepared to address this.

The fight continues. Are you ONBOARD?

Social media WIZARD needed

If you spend the majority of your life creating killer campaigns and using genius level workarounds to expose mundane products that really do nothing to help the planet, perhaps its time for a change. We really need a wizard. Click the pic to find out more.

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Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Day 4 – Wow its starting to work

globasyst globe assist

Well, blow me down with the wave of a feather, its all actually starting to work.

We’ve drawn the line in the sand and now just up to people to see it and decide which side of it they stand.

At this point in time its all about awareness. In the three days since we went live we have received over 1,000 tweet impressions, 7 new Facebook friends, a Twitter follower and hundreds upon hundreds of page visits.

All this is EXTREMELY encouraging and a great start.

We still desperately need a Social Media guru. Our attempts in that department to date are surely amateurish at best.

Social media WIZARD needed

If you spend the majority of your life creating killer campaigns and using genius level workarounds to expose mundane products that really do nothing to help the planet, perhaps its time for a change. We really need a wizard. Click the pic to find out more.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Day 1-3 The Very Beginning

Pathway Day1-3

Globasyst Goes Live...

After 2 years of consideration, research, frustration and mounting impatience we were no closer to achieving a single thing than when this idea was originally thought of.

The idea itself came from a simple place – What if we could buy utilities in bulk, get a discount and pass those savings on to people and use the revenue to finance a Global Solution to our problems.

Simple to suggest but, as an individual with almost no access to resources, an almost impossible dream.

The rest of the information on this site is the culmination of many months of ideas formulated, rejected, adjusted and born.

On Wednesday 6th November, 2019, Globasyst went live.

The website itself is not finished.

If things go the way we hope, it never will be, but we cannot wait any longer to act.

In the months and weeks leading up to this launch the stories of Global collapse have become almost non stop.

We have come under direct threat of bushfires here at Globasyst and have been forced to evacuate. Since that time there have been two more major fires in our area and dozens across Australia and around the world.

So before we have even managed to become a legal entity we have put the call out to the world for help in realising this future.

A peaceful; pathway to an abundant future not just for humanity but for all life on earth.

And do you know what, it feels pretty good to get this out there.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Globasyst & Religion

Pray Icon

In simplest terms, Globasyst exists beyond religion.

In order for religion, in any form, to exist it requires worshippers. If everything is allowed to die, the question of who was right and who was wrong about their individual belief systems becomes academic.

We want people to have the opportunity to debate the merits of their chosen deity well into the next millennia and beyond.

Think of Globasyst more as a group of individuals with varying ideaologies facing a raging bushfire that is fast approaching. They put those difficulties aside to fight the fire or they all die.

Our goal is to open up a pathway to the riches beyond our earth. We want everybody to have the opportunity to share in it as well as giving our world a chance to return to the paradise it once was.

That will only happen if we can stand back and give nature a chance to heal itself.

Any attack on us that slows down our progress is only prolonging the suffering of everything. Space is going to be hostile enough toward humanity. If you ARE inclined towards prayer, we ask that you pray we have the strength and ingenuity to create a path to the future for all of us.

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The Concept Creator

Concept Creator

My name is M Andrew Taylor.

You will not have heard of me as I am nothing special.

The idea for Globasyst was born out of frustration at the fact that no person, no government or corporate entity has ever offered a tangible plan to put a stop to the 4 most critical issues in our planet’s history.

I have come to the realisation that if nobody else can find a solution, the only way for me to overcome my own frustration is to come up with one myself.

That is the basis of the Globasyst concept in a nutshell.

This is currently the world’s best solution purely by default. That’s because as far as I can tell, there has never been an alternative offered.

Please explore and read through the site in detail.

We are not proposing to be a corporation, government body or charity.

This is something entirely new.

I have spent almost everything I have getting the concept to this point. I need help to create the initial seed. Once that is done and the Globasyst Initiative exists as a legal entity my involvement takes a backseat.

I do not seek to OWN this concept. Nobody ever should.

It is designed to be ‘owned’ by the world and more importantly, the most socially challenged in the world.

As such who ‘I’ am is relatively insignificant. I will derive the same benefit from this as anyone else who gets involved, nothing more.

The most rewarding aspect of it for me personally – it gives me hope.

It is my expectation that as this idea generates exposure it is going to draw an increasing amount of criticism if not outright volatile opposition.

I ask you to forgive my paranoia. In an attempt to protect myself from the garden variety nutbags out there I am keeping my full identity relatively low key for now.

Once the Globasyst Legal Entity has been created and unleashed into the world, however, it will be an organism in its own right and I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to. At that point I will be more than happy to be far more open and public about who I am and what I have been through to arrive at this point.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

M Andrew Taylor

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Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Habitats of Life and Style

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

Problem: Not enough food, water or houses.

Solution: Create more space to build.

globasyst globe assist

At present in Australia we are facing a major food production crisis.

Simply google ‘Australia Drought’ and you will find more stories relating to the crisis than you could imagine. but weather anomalies are not restricted to Australia.

All over the world there are stories of decimated insect populations, drought, flood, virus outbreaks and so much more. Almost all of these issues can be traced back to desperate farming methods pumping billions of liters of fertilizer and pesticides into already ravaged soils in an attempt to maximise productivity.

globasyst globe assist

Add to this the harmful effects of gene-tech and more and the outlook is pretty grim.

But there’s good news.

As soon as the first Space Elevator is up we will be able to begin targeting appropriate asteroids in order to shift them closer to Earth’s orbit for mining.

In the course of extracting the mineral wealth from these asteroids we will be laying the foundation for space habitats that orbit in a similar trajectory to earth. The environments inside can be custom built to house almost any climate and with the right chemicals, bacteria, minerals and bugs, we can begin growing food and livestock across acreage that has never existed before.

As more of these habitats are built we can begin to shift our activities off planet. This will give wild environments a chance to regenerate and rebuild.

Between now and the time we achieve this we expect to see several dozen species go extinct.

If we don’t act to end the suffering today, our children will grow up in a world where there is nothing but suffering.

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Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

What your membership means to us.

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

Globasyst is about harnessing the will of people at every level.

At the most basic level, however, is the relationship between the number of current, active members and the amount of staff we can afford to employ.

In the development phase it is all about increasing membership so we can begin to recruit the necessary planning and project management experts.

Once we have begun to fill these roles we will be able to workout far more detailed figures as to what it will take to reach each milestone.

For now we are working with the following base calculation:
1,000 members = $120,000pa
$120K = 2 x $50k salaries +
$20k operational expenses.

Of course this does not take into account people who are kind enough to donate their time and energy for free, but given that it took 400,000 staff to get 12 guys on the moon, developing our membership base is a massive priority.

To help you work out what that means in terms of membership, to maintain 400k staff will need 200,000,000 members.

This is why so much of our initial energy will be devoted to PR and promotion. You can help us a LOT in this phase simply by sharing as much as you possibly can about us with as many people as you can.

Every share is another rock moved to help shift the mountain.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

The Globasyst Core Constitution

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

The Globasyst Initiative relies on a fragile foundation of hope and trust. The primary consideration of every action we take will be the protection of this foundation.

At a time when government and corporate entities are being shown time and time again to be vulnerable to corruption, hope and trust are the two commodities which need to be handled and protected with our every thought, deed and action.

Before we can look at creating financial memberships we must first of all be able to provide our members with a clear mandate of what this project stands for in terms of our goals and obligations, rights and responsibilities. This is the point where the DNA for the Globasyst seed must be carefully crafted with a vision to the future and what it means to us all.

There will be many areas of the governance of our project which members will be able to vote on including our structure and the approach we take to solving the various challenges we will face along the way. Our Core Constitutional values, however, cannot be subject to change as they will serve as the rudder to guide us along our journey to the ultimate goal in creating humanities’ bridge to space.

Core Constitutional Directives

  1. The primary directive for Globasyst and its members is the creation and maintenance of an ecologically sustainable pathway for humanity between the Earth, Earth’s orbit and the universe beyond.

  2. Each member of Globasyst will be entitled to one vote when issues arise which require consensus in order to formulate the policies which will facilitate the fulfillment of the primary objective.

  3. Globasyst reserves the right to suspend or cancel the membership as well as any benefits or financial standing of any member who is judged to have acted in breach of the laws and by-laws as set down within the Globasyst charter or constitution.

  4. At no stage will Globasyst or its employees ever engage financing or loans of any kind from an external third party for any purpose in relation to achieving the primary objective. All operational expenses and purchasing of equipment or property will be financed from revenue raised via the membership process or other revenue streams generated in the course of Globasyst’s development.

Between now and the point in time when we create the legal Globasyst entity and begin to offer financial memberships these constitutional elements will be discussed and amended so please refer back here frequently. We would encourage you to leave comments and suggestions below. We will consider all serious submissions.

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Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Teleportation & Wormholes

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

First up – Teleportation.

This entire project would be a hell of a lot easier if we could just get Scotty to beam us all up. Unfortunately that’s a fair way off in the future but there have been developments recently. as reported how complex quantum teleportation has been achieved for the first time. At this point the most practical potential application for this discovery is in the field of computing.

In order to even begin to consider teleportation of high mass, complex organisms in the way Hollywood has portrayed it to date, we first of all need to be able to precisely scan the original object down to its quantum atomic state.

If you have ever seen things like MRI images or the like you can see that we are a long way off from this sort of detail.

globe assist wormhole

Next – Wormholes.

Once again, science fiction and Hollywood have supercharged our imaginations with wormholes.

In Marvel’s Avenger series they would have us believe that beings are zipping around the universe at will. Unfortunately the reality is quite a bit different but in a recent article from, they claim that physicists have released a step-by-step guide for building a wormhole.


All you need are a couple of black holes and some cosmic strings. HAH.

Well its a bit more complex than that but it is possible. To find out more click the link below and check out the article.

In terms of the application of wormholes to solve our ‘access to space’ issue, they’re not really a viable solution just yet. After all, its probably best we don’t start creating black holes on, or indeed, any where near our fragile little planet right at the moment.

Lets not forget – the reason we have the Globasyst project is to give our planet a BETTER chance of survival.

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Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.