Clean Limitless Energy

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

This is a real easy one.

Only the world’s most monumental corporate stooge would try to deny that carbon emissions and fossil fuels are causing horrendous damage to the atmosphere.

Our most promising future lies in the use of helium and hydrogen to power all manner of engines including the holy grail – cold fusion.

Unfortunately helium is one of the rarest gases on earth and ‘pound for pound’ is worth a lot more than gold.


That’s not a problem for us here at Globasyst though.

Enter the biggest planet in our solar system – Jupiter.

800 times the mass of earth it is predominantly hydrogen and helium mixed with an array of other gases. Once we get the Space elevator up shuttling to and from Jupiter will not be a major problem.

All we then have to do is park another orbital or two over this monster and drop down a few hoses. We then start sucking and sit back. Energy crisis solved.

What could be simpler?

So stop complaining about the price of petrol and get on board the Globasyst Free Energy train. Big oil companies are really going to hate this. Don’t you just feel awful about that?

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

FREE Membership with Utilities

Free with utilities globasyst globe assist

The people who Globasyst aims to help most and create memberships for are those of us who are economically challenged.

The sort of people who, after paying their basic rent, power and transport, exist on $20 a day. There are a lot of us out there and in Australia they make up the majority of the population whether the government is prepared to admit it or not.

These people simply cannot afford to drop a further $10 a month on something that does not help them exist now, today.

But we have a solution that helps these people and it is the real core of how Globasyst will be funded.

We aim to negotiate deals where we buy utilities such as electricity, gas and telecoms in bulk from current suppliers and sell them on to the community with Globasyst Memberships factored in as part of the costs. The more members we generate in this way, the greater our power will be to drive these utility costs down. In this way we not only extend our ability to create memberships but we also manage to offer our supporters real and immediate savings.

In order to reach this second phase, however, Globasyst needs to generate figures that prove how many people are prepared to support our concept. Once we can show this, we will be in a position to leverage these figures during the negotiations we have with these giants.

This is the true strength and linchpin of the Globasyst Initiative.

In order to reach this point, however we need to be able to prove that we are in fact generating that interest and the BEST way for you to help us do that is to register your interest with a ‘Pre-Membership Registration’.

Just click the link below thew fill out the form and submit. EVERY hit we get helps.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.