Charity Funded Memberships

Free membership globasyst globe assist

While we cannot rely on government grants or personal and business generated charity, that does not mean we will not welcome it if, by chance, it is offered.

If such donations are made to Globasyst we will use them to generate Charitable Memberships for those people who are unable to access the initiative.

For example only half the world has access to the internet. That same half of the world is also far and away the most financially challenged.

It will be a significant aspect of the Globasyst charter to ensure that as many of these people as possible are offered charity funded Lifetime Memberships in the Globasyst initiative.

Once we begin to generate the necessary budget levels, Globasyst will put together a team to manage this aspect of the program. Their sole purpose will be to investigate various methods to identify and approach those people facing the greatest challenges on our planet in terms of living from one day to the next.

After all many of those people are already trying to come to terms with living in a collapsing ecology. That’s why they are starving and homeless in the first place.

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