Day ?? I’ve lost track.

So its been a long, long while since I posted anything new.
A lot has changed and the idea of the elevator is building momentum. I’ve lost track of what day it is and I have a LOT of catching up to do.
In the meantime, here’s a seriously interesting link that is worth a read:

Day 5 – Gettin’ Global

The foray into social media continues.

Turns out we can only report on what happened yesterday which is a shame. Good news is that prior to yesterday we were only getting hits from Australia and the USA.

Now we’re attracting hits from 7 countries. Excellent stuff.

Only 188 MORE countries to go – hah.

As inspiration for what we are trying to achieve, each day we leave the ABC News on in the background. For the last week or so it has been nothing but bushfires.

Zero practical response from our venerable Prime Minister however. Best he can do, apparently is promise to allocate more funds to fighting the fires.

Here’s a thought – how about proposing a solution that makes the damage those fires cause significantly less intense?

I guess that’s why the world needs Globasyst. Nobody else seems prepared to address this.

The fight continues. Are you ONBOARD?

Social media WIZARD needed

If you spend the majority of your life creating killer campaigns and using genius level workarounds to expose mundane products that really do nothing to help the planet, perhaps its time for a change. We really need a wizard. Click the pic to find out more.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Day 4 – Wow its starting to work

globasyst globe assist

Well, blow me down with the wave of a feather, its all actually starting to work.

We’ve drawn the line in the sand and now just up to people to see it and decide which side of it they stand.

At this point in time its all about awareness. In the three days since we went live we have received over 1,000 tweet impressions, 7 new Facebook friends, a Twitter follower and hundreds upon hundreds of page visits.

All this is EXTREMELY encouraging and a great start.

We still desperately need a Social Media guru. Our attempts in that department to date are surely amateurish at best.

Social media WIZARD needed

If you spend the majority of your life creating killer campaigns and using genius level workarounds to expose mundane products that really do nothing to help the planet, perhaps its time for a change. We really need a wizard. Click the pic to find out more.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Day 1-3 The Very Beginning

Pathway Day1-3

Globasyst Goes Live...

After 2 years of consideration, research, frustration and mounting impatience we were no closer to achieving a single thing than when this idea was originally thought of.

The idea itself came from a simple place – What if we could buy utilities in bulk, get a discount and pass those savings on to people and use the revenue to finance a Global Solution to our problems.

Simple to suggest but, as an individual with almost no access to resources, an almost impossible dream.

The rest of the information on this site is the culmination of many months of ideas formulated, rejected, adjusted and born.

On Wednesday 6th November, 2019, Globasyst went live.

The website itself is not finished.

If things go the way we hope, it never will be, but we cannot wait any longer to act.

In the months and weeks leading up to this launch the stories of Global collapse have become almost non stop.

We have come under direct threat of bushfires here at Globasyst and have been forced to evacuate. Since that time there have been two more major fires in our area and dozens across Australia and around the world.

So before we have even managed to become a legal entity we have put the call out to the world for help in realising this future.

A peaceful; pathway to an abundant future not just for humanity but for all life on earth.

And do you know what, it feels pretty good to get this out there.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Globasyst & Religion

Pray Icon

In simplest terms, Globasyst exists beyond religion.

In order for religion, in any form, to exist it requires worshippers. If everything is allowed to die, the question of who was right and who was wrong about their individual belief systems becomes academic.

We want people to have the opportunity to debate the merits of their chosen deity well into the next millennia and beyond.

Think of Globasyst more as a group of individuals with varying ideaologies facing a raging bushfire that is fast approaching. They put those difficulties aside to fight the fire or they all die.

Our goal is to open up a pathway to the riches beyond our earth. We want everybody to have the opportunity to share in it as well as giving our world a chance to return to the paradise it once was.

That will only happen if we can stand back and give nature a chance to heal itself.

Any attack on us that slows down our progress is only prolonging the suffering of everything. Space is going to be hostile enough toward humanity. If you ARE inclined towards prayer, we ask that you pray we have the strength and ingenuity to create a path to the future for all of us.

Start earning Stars immediately

When you complete and submit our Pre-Membership registration form, your Star account will commence immediately. Get involved NOW.

The Concept Creator

Concept Creator

My name is M Andrew Taylor.

You will not have heard of me as I am nothing special.

The idea for Globasyst was born out of frustration at the fact that no person, no government or corporate entity has ever offered a tangible plan to put a stop to the 4 most critical issues in our planet’s history.

I have come to the realisation that if nobody else can find a solution, the only way for me to overcome my own frustration is to come up with one myself.

That is the basis of the Globasyst concept in a nutshell.

This is currently the world’s best solution purely by default. That’s because as far as I can tell, there has never been an alternative offered.

Please explore and read through the site in detail.

We are not proposing to be a corporation, government body or charity.

This is something entirely new.

I have spent almost everything I have getting the concept to this point. I need help to create the initial seed. Once that is done and the Globasyst Initiative exists as a legal entity my involvement takes a backseat.

I do not seek to OWN this concept. Nobody ever should.

It is designed to be ‘owned’ by the world and more importantly, the most socially challenged in the world.

As such who ‘I’ am is relatively insignificant. I will derive the same benefit from this as anyone else who gets involved, nothing more.

The most rewarding aspect of it for me personally – it gives me hope.

It is my expectation that as this idea generates exposure it is going to draw an increasing amount of criticism if not outright volatile opposition.

I ask you to forgive my paranoia. In an attempt to protect myself from the garden variety nutbags out there I am keeping my full identity relatively low key for now.

Once the Globasyst Legal Entity has been created and unleashed into the world, however, it will be an organism in its own right and I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to. At that point I will be more than happy to be far more open and public about who I am and what I have been through to arrive at this point.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

M Andrew Taylor

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Project Managers

Recruit Project management

Project Management

In simplest terms, we don’t have a project to manage until the Phase 1 objectives are covered off and we can begin generating financial memberships.

Once this aspect begins, however, the real fun begins.

How this aspect evolves we can only speculate at present but it entirely depends on our membership levels.

If you do, however, have expertise in this area and feel as though you could offer us insight even at this early stage, please get in touch with us.

We’re all learning here and in order to bridge the knowledge gap we need three things – data, data, data.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Social Media Wizard

Recruit Social Media

Social Media Wizard

If you’re sick to death of promoting vanity based, environmentally amoral organisations devoid of any social conscience, now’s thew time to make a change.

We need Social Media Guru’s desperately.

As with our other Phase One positions, we got no money so we need you to donate your time – for now.

If you’re as good as you think you are, generating the interest we need to make this all happen so we can get you on board with a salary position will be a walk in the park.

Send us links to a few of your campaigns.

This will be the biggest challenge you ever face in your life. The operator we’re looking for will know how build our profile from the ground up and cash in on it.

Please, contact us today. If you’re THAT good, you will already know how much we need your help.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Cyber Security

Recruit security

Cyber Security - Financial & Data

The protection of our members is paramount.

Our number one priority is to ensure that the trust we generate is maintained and honoured at every level. Personal details, accounts, memberships, the lot.

To do this we need a super secure cyber team. We may not be looking through traditional routes. There may be hacker types who want to throw their hat in the ring. Either way we are looking for layers of security at a global level. We need it up and running as soon as possible.

Its all about unshakeable trust.

Once we have the legal foundation and constitution in place we will want to be ready to go right behind it generating memberships in a safe, secure, digital environment.

Once again if you are super sharp in this area or you know someone who is, please put us in touch.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Legal – Constitution & Organisation

Recruit Lawyer

Legal - Constitution & Organisation

We are looking for a person or people who have experience in drafting constitutions and shaping the appropriate legal foundations in terms of organisational structures to allow them to operate in perpetuity.

As you will see in Organisational Structure section, our intention is to operate in a way unlike any other attempted previously. Its a big ask and it will take sharp minds to nail but this is our DNA. If we do not get it right, this venture will be a fail and our planet, frankly, just doesn’t have time for that.

We must move forward and the people who take on this task will create the foundation our pathway is laid on.

For the first time in history, lawyers will be offered capes, for their efforts can only be considered super heroic.

Legal - Media & PR

While we will deal with our battles as they arise but we need to be clear, our success relies almost entirely upon our ability to generate interest, support and, ultimately, more memberships. To do this we must be able to maintain a positive, proactive and peaceful public persona over a foundation of trust and transparency.

It would be nice to think we have somebody ensuring we do not fly off the handle and land ourselves in a negative publicity bungle inadvertently.

To do this we need a super-sharp legal mind with plenty of industry experience. They need the ability to not only keep us out of trouble, but to understand our goals and suggest better ways for us to achieve them.

As with our constitutional lawyers, however, it is important our media and PR team are not currently affiliated with commercial or government organisations but rather live by means independent of these institutions.

We believe these people exist and if they are repulsed and nauseated enough by our current sociopolitical landscape, they may even be living completely off grid. If this sounds like someone you know put us in touch with them. They’re exactly the sort of people we are looking for.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.