FREE Membership with Utilities

Free with utilities globasyst globe assist

The people who Globasyst aims to help most and create memberships for are those of us who are economically challenged.

The sort of people who, after paying their basic rent, power and transport, exist on $20 a day. There are a lot of us out there and in Australia they make up the majority of the population whether the government is prepared to admit it or not.

These people simply cannot afford to drop a further $10 a month on something that does not help them exist now, today.

But we have a solution that helps these people and it is the real core of how Globasyst will be funded.

We aim to negotiate deals where we buy utilities such as electricity, gas and telecoms in bulk from current suppliers and sell them on to the community with Globasyst Memberships factored in as part of the costs. The more members we generate in this way, the greater our power will be to drive these utility costs down. In this way we not only extend our ability to create memberships but we also manage to offer our supporters real and immediate savings.

In order to reach this second phase, however, Globasyst needs to generate figures that prove how many people are prepared to support our concept. Once we can show this, we will be in a position to leverage these figures during the negotiations we have with these giants.

This is the true strength and linchpin of the Globasyst Initiative.

In order to reach this point, however we need to be able to prove that we are in fact generating that interest and the BEST way for you to help us do that is to register your interest with a ‘Pre-Membership Registration’.

Just click the link below thew fill out the form and submit. EVERY hit we get helps.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.

Help us & get MORE

Star System 1GOLDstar globasyst globe assist

This is a global initiative and as such we are going to need input from lots of people.

There are almost limitless opportunities for you to make a positive impact on the Globasyst Initiative and if you decide to help us we want to be sure you feel valued.

Our human resourcing section is currently very much ‘under construction’. Part of the administrative development phase will involve identifying all of the various positions needed in order to accomplish our goals.

Anyone who does choose to help us, however, will receive their basic GREEN STAR and in addition they will be assigned a further four GOLD STARS.

In terms of overall ‘value’ the GOLD STARS are exactly the same as the green stars. The only difference will be that they will only multiply for the length of time you continue your employment with us.

This extends to volunteers and salaried staff as well.

For example, if you started with us today and continued to work with us for the next 20 years we would really appreciate it.

How much?

Well, instead of the 524,288 stars you would have earned as a basic member, your Star System account would contain 2,621,440 stars.

After all, anybody who works with us should be considered a champion of life and, at Globasyst, we believe champions SHOULD be rewarded for their efforts.

The STAR System

At the end of each year your membership remains current the amount of stars you have will be doubled. The longer you support Globasyst the greater your piece of the action.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.