The Elevator Shaft

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To create the elevator shaft or tether to our Space Station, we first of all need to construct the strongest and most durable material know to man.

In short we are talking about a material strong enough to carry up to than 50,000 times its own weight. This material also needs a substantial degree of flexibility as well as a range of other factors.

While this all may sound like fantasy at the moment scientist have in fact developed a potential solution to this problem. Click the button to find out more.

The little blue stick has to be strong enough to carry the enourmous green ball.

It's a challenge...

Once we do have the material strength problem solved, however, we then have the issues facing engineering, design and functionality. I know I have my preferences as to how this may be tackled but, needless to say, this is one of the major areas of the project where an expert team is crucial.

Once again it all relies on funding but then that’s exactly what we are here for.

At present the most promising option as the linked article explains, is Graphene.

Graphene is a fantastic 2D material. It is 200 times stronger than steel, transparent, flexible and conducts electricity better than copper. However, graphene can only be made commercially in little bits with the current technology.

Take for example, the ‘200 times stronger than steel’ property. You can’t make full use of that at the moment because the current commercial state is to produce graphene from graphite using the top-down method. This makes graphene as nano plates that are typically 400 nanometers long. To give an idea of how small this, look at the edge of a piece of copier paper, which is 100 microns (100,000 nanometers) thick. You could fit 250 of these graphene nanoplates across the edge of that piece of paper.

That’s all great but then you have to stick these plates together and we start getting into some real high tech areas of development.

Read through the attached article and do a bit of a search yourself.

Once we can afford to do the research, its a small jump to our next EUREKA moment.

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The Orbital Space Station

Easily the most expensive aspect of this operation will be the creation of the Geosynchronous Orbiting Space Station (GOSS).

This is the top floor of the elevator and will effectively be the weightless mooring from which the construction of the entire network will begin. It would be almost impossible to build the elevator’s tether from the ground up. The only practical way to construct it is to build it in orbit and feed it back down toward the Earth’s surface.

There are two ways to build the GOSS.

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The first is relatively simple. We just ship everything necessary up on the back of rockets. Easy as this sounds we’re talking potentially thousands of tons of mass in order to achieve this and the base ratio for fuel to mass in order to achieve orbit is 10:1.

That means for every ton of equipment & people to be lifted we need to burn 10 tonnes of fossil fuels.

This might be technically doable but the environmental cost will need to be considered very carefully and it’s highly likely that it will not be worth the risk.

The second option is to identify a suitable candidate in the asteroid belt and attach a propulsion unit to it. We can then nudge the asteroid back towards our planet and park it the necessary orbit above our Earth Base.

This is technically a more difficult proposition but the bulk of the operation would be done remotely using robotics and the payoff would be potentially enormous.

The asteroid we use would be selected based on the materials it contains and how useful they would be in constructing the space station and tether. By doing this we would shortcut our way to having the ingredients necessary right where we need them – already in orbit.

This whole aspect of the project is for the big brains and we need to get them on board first.

That takes exposure and interest so share us with gusto. We love your support.

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Earthside Base

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globasyst globe assist

The Earthside Base will be ground floor for our space elevator.

The location will need to be on or near the equator in order to use the earth’s rotation to follow the Space Station’s geosynchronous orbit around 50,000kms or more above us.

There is a chance such a base could be built on land but it’s important to remember, the Space Station above is not locked to a static location.

The most promising location for our Earth Base will actually be out in the ocean. This will give the Earth Base the option to shift position, to some degree, and there are any number of reasons to do that including bad weather or collision. Mobility could come in real handy.

It will take an enormous amount of material to create this floating platform but we have a pretty innovative solution for that issue. Ever since it was first created, plastic has been finding its way into our oceans from all around the world.

Over time this plastic has collected in five major zones across all our oceans. Most of it, however, has collected in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean in a huge plastic ‘slick’ referred to as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Click the link above to find out more on this.

Essentially the Pacific Patch alone is around the same size as Australia and contains what is estimated to be a mass of several hundred million tonnes.

What we are proposing is simple. We fit out ships specifically to net and collect this plastic. Once they bring it aboard, it gets placed in a furnace and melted down.

As it cools, bubbles of gas are blown into it to give it buoyancy. Then it is extruded and 3 meter square cubes. These cubes are then inserted into modular frames that form the foundations for our floating Earthside Base islands.

Simple, right?

There are certainly other ways to create an Earthside Base but with this method we’re finding a use for all the plastic crap that is currently choking the life out of our most important resource – the ocean.

Let’s not forget, more than 80% of the oxygen we breather comes from the ocean. Surely it would be a positive move to try and clean it up.

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Teleportation & Wormholes

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globasyst globe assist

First up – Teleportation.

This entire project would be a hell of a lot easier if we could just get Scotty to beam us all up. Unfortunately that’s a fair way off in the future but there have been developments recently. as reported how complex quantum teleportation has been achieved for the first time. At this point the most practical potential application for this discovery is in the field of computing.

In order to even begin to consider teleportation of high mass, complex organisms in the way Hollywood has portrayed it to date, we first of all need to be able to precisely scan the original object down to its quantum atomic state.

If you have ever seen things like MRI images or the like you can see that we are a long way off from this sort of detail.

globe assist wormhole

Next – Wormholes.

Once again, science fiction and Hollywood have supercharged our imaginations with wormholes.

In Marvel’s Avenger series they would have us believe that beings are zipping around the universe at will. Unfortunately the reality is quite a bit different but in a recent article from, they claim that physicists have released a step-by-step guide for building a wormhole.


All you need are a couple of black holes and some cosmic strings. HAH.

Well its a bit more complex than that but it is possible. To find out more click the link below and check out the article.

In terms of the application of wormholes to solve our ‘access to space’ issue, they’re not really a viable solution just yet. After all, its probably best we don’t start creating black holes on, or indeed, any where near our fragile little planet right at the moment.

Lets not forget – the reason we have the Globasyst project is to give our planet a BETTER chance of survival.

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Charity Funded Memberships

Free membership globasyst globe assist

While we cannot rely on government grants or personal and business generated charity, that does not mean we will not welcome it if, by chance, it is offered.

If such donations are made to Globasyst we will use them to generate Charitable Memberships for those people who are unable to access the initiative.

For example only half the world has access to the internet. That same half of the world is also far and away the most financially challenged.

It will be a significant aspect of the Globasyst charter to ensure that as many of these people as possible are offered charity funded Lifetime Memberships in the Globasyst initiative.

Once we begin to generate the necessary budget levels, Globasyst will put together a team to manage this aspect of the program. Their sole purpose will be to investigate various methods to identify and approach those people facing the greatest challenges on our planet in terms of living from one day to the next.

After all many of those people are already trying to come to terms with living in a collapsing ecology. That’s why they are starving and homeless in the first place.

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What’s this going to cost me?

Membership Invest globasyst globe assist

The following figures are working figures only and will need to be scrutinised by financial experts. They are therefore subject to change.

The base figure used to calculate all the figures currently detailed on this site is set at a membership fee of only US$10 per month.

This means a yearly membership will cost US$120 and lifetime membership, being for one hundred years, US$12,000.

That’s right. It only costs you 35 cents a day to be a planet saving superhero. That’s got to be easier than being a rich kid genius like Ironman or having to get bitten by a toxic, radioactive spider or whatever.

If an individual chooses to they can offer to donate above the standard membership in which case the extra money will be pooled to create Charitable Memberships.

There will also be an option for such donations to be used to fund Memberships directly to people as specified by the person making the donation.

There has never been a deal as good as this in the history of mankind. Be one of the superheroes who actually saves the Earth for less than 35 cents a day.

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FREE Membership with Utilities

Free with utilities globasyst globe assist

The people who Globasyst aims to help most and create memberships for are those of us who are economically challenged.

The sort of people who, after paying their basic rent, power and transport, exist on $20 a day. There are a lot of us out there and in Australia they make up the majority of the population whether the government is prepared to admit it or not.

These people simply cannot afford to drop a further $10 a month on something that does not help them exist now, today.

But we have a solution that helps these people and it is the real core of how Globasyst will be funded.

We aim to negotiate deals where we buy utilities such as electricity, gas and telecoms in bulk from current suppliers and sell them on to the community with Globasyst Memberships factored in as part of the costs. The more members we generate in this way, the greater our power will be to drive these utility costs down. In this way we not only extend our ability to create memberships but we also manage to offer our supporters real and immediate savings.

In order to reach this second phase, however, Globasyst needs to generate figures that prove how many people are prepared to support our concept. Once we can show this, we will be in a position to leverage these figures during the negotiations we have with these giants.

This is the true strength and linchpin of the Globasyst Initiative.

In order to reach this point, however we need to be able to prove that we are in fact generating that interest and the BEST way for you to help us do that is to register your interest with a ‘Pre-Membership Registration’.

Just click the link below thew fill out the form and submit. EVERY hit we get helps.

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1 Member = 1 Vote

One Vote globasyst globe assist

It may seem like a fairly straight forward concept but it is an important one.

This is particularly relevant in terms of the Globasyst ‘Organisational’ structure. Unlike other companies, corporations and various other forms of commercial entities, no individual will be able to ‘purchase’ more power and influence than another member.

By preserving this base philosophy no government or business will be able to gain a majority, and therefore control, of the Globasyst Initiative. Control always resides with the majority.

Issues that will be determined by the voting procedure will be detailed further in the Globasyst Constitution but at this point in time, even that constitution is up for revision.

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Help us & get MORE

Star System 1GOLDstar globasyst globe assist

This is a global initiative and as such we are going to need input from lots of people.

There are almost limitless opportunities for you to make a positive impact on the Globasyst Initiative and if you decide to help us we want to be sure you feel valued.

Our human resourcing section is currently very much ‘under construction’. Part of the administrative development phase will involve identifying all of the various positions needed in order to accomplish our goals.

Anyone who does choose to help us, however, will receive their basic GREEN STAR and in addition they will be assigned a further four GOLD STARS.

In terms of overall ‘value’ the GOLD STARS are exactly the same as the green stars. The only difference will be that they will only multiply for the length of time you continue your employment with us.

This extends to volunteers and salaried staff as well.

For example, if you started with us today and continued to work with us for the next 20 years we would really appreciate it.

How much?

Well, instead of the 524,288 stars you would have earned as a basic member, your Star System account would contain 2,621,440 stars.

After all, anybody who works with us should be considered a champion of life and, at Globasyst, we believe champions SHOULD be rewarded for their efforts.

The STAR System

At the end of each year your membership remains current the amount of stars you have will be doubled. The longer you support Globasyst the greater your piece of the action.

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The STAR System

Star System 1star globasyst globe assist

Upon creating your new, fully financial membership you will earn the right to cast a vote and a single GREEN star.

It doesn’t seem like much to begin with but as with all aspects of this project – it begins small and builds fast.

At the end of each year that your membership remains current, the amount of stars in your account will be doubled. For the first couple of years that does not seem like much but as you can see in the diagram, the longer you support Globasyst the greater your piece of the action.

In this way we can reward those of you who start early and stick with us to help us see the plan through to its ultimate goal.

Traditional corporate entities raise capital as a function of shares and dividends. This is a purely profit driven exercise and the survival of all such entities resides in the perception of risk vs reward as viewed by their investors. These types of corporate structures were created and seemed infinitely scalable at a time, back in the 1800’s when the world’s resources appeared to be infinite.

We now know this is NOT the case.

The price of ‘inanimate’ resources has skyrocketed in recent years. The clearest example of this is the price of petrol. In order to maintain corporate profitability (and ridiculously high executive bonuses) they have had to devalue the only resources they can – HUMAN resources.

Unlike corporations, the Globasyst Initiative is NOT profit driven. Initially all money that comes in will be plowed into the Grand Plan to achieve the core goal of access to our solar system. At a point in the not to distant future, however, Globasyst will reach a tipping point where it is generating greater income than expenditure.

When this occurs the value of your stars will become a basis for an income.

Unlike the traditional corporate model, we see the value of the Globasyst Initiative as infinitely divisible. Regardless of when you join us you will eventually be rewarded but the greater your loyalty to us, the greater your return.

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