Collision Protection

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

Getting the elevator built is one enourmous challenge but once its up there we don’t want it getting blown out of the sky.

globasyst globe assist

There are currently thousands of pieces of debris orbiting the earth from the fingernail sized chips of paint which cracked the shatter-proof glass of the space shuttle to objects weighing tens if not hundreds of kilos.

These objects are orbiting the earth at speeds in excess of 28,000kmh. A 50calibre bullet has an initial velocity of just over 3,000kmh.

This means that relative to the space bridge, any object in low earth orbit will impact with nearly ten times the force of a 50 cal bullet. The effects of such an impact on the space bridge’s tether, or indeed the orbital platform itself would be devastating.

To address this issue the project will need to build a substantial protection network as well as looking at a way to clean up our near earth orbital zone and minimise this threat.

There are currently a number of proposals in the scientific community which address this issue and we will put together a team whose goal is to design the appropriate measures.

For more information on the ‘Cascade Effect’ or Kessler Syndrome creating problems in our near earth orbital zone visit the links below.

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