Globasyst & Religion

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In simplest terms, Globasyst exists beyond religion.

In order for religion, in any form, to exist it requires worshippers. If everything is allowed to die, the question of who was right and who was wrong about their individual belief systems becomes academic.

We want people to have the opportunity to debate the merits of their chosen deity well into the next millennia and beyond.

Think of Globasyst more as a group of individuals with varying ideaologies facing a raging bushfire that is fast approaching. They put those difficulties aside to fight the fire or they all die.

Our goal is to open up a pathway to the riches beyond our earth. We want everybody to have the opportunity to share in it as well as giving our world a chance to return to the paradise it once was.

That will only happen if we can stand back and give nature a chance to heal itself.

Any attack on us that slows down our progress is only prolonging the suffering of everything. Space is going to be hostile enough toward humanity. If you ARE inclined towards prayer, we ask that you pray we have the strength and ingenuity to create a path to the future for all of us.

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