Teleportation & Wormholes

globasyst globe assist
globasyst globe assist

First up – Teleportation.

This entire project would be a hell of a lot easier if we could just get Scotty to beam us all up. Unfortunately that’s a fair way off in the future but there have been developments recently. as reported how complex quantum teleportation has been achieved for the first time. At this point the most practical potential application for this discovery is in the field of computing.

In order to even begin to consider teleportation of high mass, complex organisms in the way Hollywood has portrayed it to date, we first of all need to be able to precisely scan the original object down to its quantum atomic state.

If you have ever seen things like MRI images or the like you can see that we are a long way off from this sort of detail.

globe assist wormhole

Next – Wormholes.

Once again, science fiction and Hollywood have supercharged our imaginations with wormholes.

In Marvel’s Avenger series they would have us believe that beings are zipping around the universe at will. Unfortunately the reality is quite a bit different but in a recent article from, they claim that physicists have released a step-by-step guide for building a wormhole.


All you need are a couple of black holes and some cosmic strings. HAH.

Well its a bit more complex than that but it is possible. To find out more click the link below and check out the article.

In terms of the application of wormholes to solve our ‘access to space’ issue, they’re not really a viable solution just yet. After all, its probably best we don’t start creating black holes on, or indeed, any where near our fragile little planet right at the moment.

Lets not forget – the reason we have the Globasyst project is to give our planet a BETTER chance of survival.

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