globasyst globe assist

The primary objective of Globasyst is massive. It is simply beyond the scope of any single infrastructure project ever attempted by humanity. As such the planning and execution of each and every facet will involve an incredible amount of thought, energy and detail.

By exploring the links below we hope you will be able to gain an understanding of what we are proposing but it should be said at the outset that this is just a tiny snapshot of what will become the whole.

As new information and ideas are generated we will add to this section and seek to ensure that our members and the public at large have the best possible opportunity to access and monitor what it is we are building.

Please bear with us as generating the necessary information, diagrams, plans, timelines and so forth takes time. Check back regularly as there will be more being added and updated every day.

globasyst globe assist

Building a Space Elevator

It's huge project. here's where we break down and explain the components. Each aspect has its own challenges but with right (and left) brains in play we can overcome them.

globasyst globe assist

What are the Alternatives?

We've identified the Space Elevator as our best option to fulfil our goal of an eco-friendly pathway to space but there could be another way. Have you got any ideas?

Timeline & milestones

We now have a rudimentary timeline in place so you can keep up to date with where we are at and where we are headed.

We'd be super happy if you decided to


Click the link and fill out our little form if you think ending the Global Crisis is a good idea. It costs you NOTHING but you can start earning Stars in the Star System immediately.